EIA 5月17日表示,美國5月份非常規(guī)石油日產量將比4月增加9.4萬桶,達到每日770.7萬桶,高于上月預測的每日760萬桶。今年4月至5月,美國石油總產量將僅減少3000桶/天
李峻 編譯自 石油新聞
EIA ups US unconventional oil output growth estimate for May more than sevenfold
The US Energy Information Administration increased its projection for month-on-month growth in US unconventional oil output for May by more than sevenfold in its latest Drilling Productivity Report.
The EIA on May 17 said May crude production will rise by 94,000 b/d from April to 7.707 million b/d, up from its projection of a 13,000 b/d month-on-month gain to 7.6 million b/d it made last month. Total US oil production from April to May will slip by only 3,000 b/d.
Higher productivity per rig and a better-than-expected bounceback from the winter freeze that caused widespread well shut-ins in February were behind the upward revision, EIA officials said.
In June, total US unconventional oil output is projected to rise by 26,000 b/d month on month to 7.733 million b/d, EIA said.