據世界石油網站報道,碳開發利用機構carbon-zero US LLC、Cox Operating LLC、Crescent Midstream正與雷普索爾宣布建立合作伙伴關系,開發墨西哥灣沿岸最大的二氧化碳永久存儲海上樞紐之一。
Crescent Midstream是一家位于路易斯安那州的管道運營商,在墨西哥灣擁有豐富的陸上和海上管道建設和運營經驗。
在與其CCS中心合作伙伴的合作下,carbon-zero最近向美國能源部申請了碳安全計劃(CarbonSAFE),在他們提議的一個二氧化碳封存地點進行試點。該項目從路易斯安那州Crescent和Cox’s Grand Isle的設施接入海上存儲油田。
Crescent Midstream利用現有的管道通行權,完成了從Geismar到Grand Isle的110英里二氧化碳管道的初步FEED研究。
壽琳玲 編譯自 世界石油
Energy comapanies create carbon capture partnership to develop massive CO2 storage project in Gulf of Mexico
Carbon-Zero US LLC, Cox Operating LLC, Crescent Midstream and Repsol announced a partnership to develop one of the Gulf Coast's largest offshore hubs for the permanent storage of carbon dioxide.
Cox is among the largest owners of energy infrastructure in the offshore Gulf of Mexico and intends to repurpose facilities and equipment to lower the carbon capture and sequestration project's carbon footprint during a market-based energy transition.
Cox's current leasehold consists of more than 600 wells in 66 offshore fields potentially containing the largest carbon dioxide storage volume owned by a single operator in the Gulf of Mexico.
Crescent Midstream, a Louisiana-based pipeline operator, has extensive onshore and offshore pipeline construction and operations experience in the Gulf of Mexico.
In conjunction with its CCS hub partners, Carbon-Zero recently applied to the Department of Energy for the CarbonSAFE program for a pilot in one of their proposed carbon dioxide sequestration locations. The proposed project accesses offshore storage fields from Crescent and Cox's Grand Isle, Louisiana, facilities.
Crescent Midstream completed an initial FEED study for a 110-mile carbon dioxide pipeline from Geismar to Grand Isle, utilizing existing Crescent pipeline rights of way.