據《能源年》10月11日報道,意大利超級石油巨頭埃尼集團(Eni)周一宣布,該公司已開始阿爾及利亞Berkine South區塊兩個氣田的生產。
Berkine South區塊的日產能為100萬立方米(約合3530萬立方英尺)和4000桶伴生液體。預計到2022年底,該資產的日產能將增加到200萬立方米(約合7060萬立方英尺)。
Berkine South區塊是阿爾及利亞根據阿爾及利亞油氣法19-13簽署的首個區塊,由埃尼集團與其合作伙伴阿爾及利亞國家石油公司(NOC Sonatrach)共同運營。
郝芬 譯自 《能源年》
Eni starts production of new Algerian gasfields
Eni has begun production of two gasfields on the Berkine South block in Algeria, the Italian super-major announced on Monday.
The Berkine South play has a production capacity of 1 mcm (35.3 mcf) per day and 4,000 bpd of associated liquids. The asset is expected to increase its capacity to 2 mcm (70.6 mcf) per day by the end of 2022.
Under Eni’s accelerated development of the field, the two fields were brought to production within six months of signing the concession.
Production is linked to the MLE gas treatment plant, which has a capacity of 11 mcm (388 mcf) per day.
The Berkine South play is the first block in Algeria to be signed under the Algerian hydrocarbon law 19-13 and is operated by Eni alongside its partner Algerian NOC Sonatrach.