地球觀測組分析了美國宇航局在墨西哥的衛星圖像。 斯帕克斯告訴路透社記者,研究發現,墨西哥不僅伴生氣放空燃燒活動增加,而且燃燒地點的數量也從2020年的170個增加到2021年的181個。
墨西哥在2015年簽署了一項承諾,承諾加入到到2030年結束伴生氣放空燃燒的全球倡議中。 然而,路透社報道的數據表明,墨西哥并沒有履行其氣候承諾。
李峻 編譯自 美國油價網
Gas Flaring In Mexico Hits Record High
Gas flaring in Mexico reached all-time high levels in 2021, beating the previous record from a year earlier, despite pledges from Mexican authorities to reduce the flaring activity, which is a major source of greenhouse gas pollution, scientists found in new research shared with Reuters.
“Flaring peaked in early 2021 but remained high enough throughout the year to beat 2020, which was already a record high,” Tamara Sparks, a researcher at the Earth Observation Group of the Colorado School of Mines, told Reuters exclusively.
The Earth Observation Group has analyzed NASA satellite images of flare sites in Mexico. It found that not only the intensity but the number of flaring sites also increased—up to 181 in 2021 from 170 sites in 2020, Sparks told Reuters.
According to The Organization for World Peace, the rising number of gas flares was mostly the result of flaring by Mexico’s state-controlled oil giant Pemex, the world’s most indebted company.
Mexico signed in 2015 a pledge to join the global initiative to end gas flaring by 2030. Yet, the data reported by Reuters suggests that the country.