全球二氧化碳排放量和能源需求數據基于 IEA對各個地區和燃料的詳細分析得出的,這些分析依據的是最新的國家官方數據以及公開的能源、經濟和天氣數據。結合IEA上月發布的甲烷排放估計,以及一氧化二氮和燃除相關的二氧化碳排放估計,新的分析表明,能源領域的總體溫室氣體排放在2021年上升到有史以來的最高水平。
2021年,煤炭占全球二氧化碳排放總量增長的40%以上,達到153億噸的歷史最高水平。天然氣的二氧化碳排放量反彈至75億噸,遠遠高于2019年的水平。由于 2021 年全球運輸活動(主要是航空業)的復蘇有限,石油產生的二氧化碳排放量為 107 億噸,遠低于大流行前的水平。
曹海斌 摘譯自 阿拉伯貿易
Global CO2 emissions rebound to all-time high in 2021: IEA
Global energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions rose by 6% in 2021 to 36.3 billion tonnes, their highest ever level, as the world economy rebounded from the pandemic and relied heavily on coal to power that growth, according to new IEA analysis.
The increase in global CO2 emissions of over 2 billion tonnes was the largest in history in absolute terms, more than offsetting the previous year’s pandemic-induced decline, the IEA analysis shows.
The recovery of energy demand in 2021 was compounded by adverse weather and energy market conditions – notably the spikes in natural gas prices – which led to more coal being burned despite renewable power generation registering its largest ever growth.
The global CO2 emissions and energy demand numbers are based on the IEA’s detailed region-by-region and fuel-by-fuel analysis, drawing on the latest official national data and publicly available energy, economic and weather data. Combined with the methane emissions estimates that the IEA published last month and estimates of nitrous oxide and flaring-related CO2 emissions, the new analysis shows that overall greenhouse gas emissions from energy rose to their highest ever level in 2021.
Coal accounted for over 40% of the overall growth in global CO2 emissions in 2021, reaching an all-time high of 15.3 billion tonnes. CO2 emissions from natural gas rebounded well above their 2019 levels to 7.5 billion tonnes. At 10.7 billion tonnes, CO2 emissions from oil remained significantly below pre-pandemic levels because of the limited recovery in global transport activity in 2021, mainly in the aviation sector.
Despite the rebound in coal use, renewable energy sources and nuclear power provided a higher share of global electricity generation than coal in 2021. Renewables-based generation reached an all-time high, exceeding 8 000 terawatt-hours (TWh) in 2021, a record 500 TWh above its 2020 level. Output from wind and solar PV increased by 270 TWh and 170 TWh, respectively, while hydro generation declined due to the impacts of drought, notably in the United States and Brazil.
The use of coal for electricity generation in 2021 was intensified by record high natural gas prices. The costs of operating existing coal power plants across the US and many European power systems were considerably lower than those of gas power plants for the majority of 2021. Gas-to-coal switching pushed up global CO2 emissions from electricity generation by well over 100 million tonnes, notably in the US and Europe where competition between gas and coal power plants is tightest.