該通訊社援引意大利外長Luigi Di Maio在與阿爾及利亞外長會晤后對意大利RAI國家電視臺的話說:“阿爾及利亞將支持意大利供應天然氣,我們的伙伴關系將在短期、中期和長期變得更加牢固。”
曹海斌 摘譯自 原油新聞
Italy Considers Increasing Natural Gas Supply from Algeria
Italy is considering increasing natural gas supply from Algeria, reported Reuters.
The news agency cited Italy Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio as saying to Italian RAI state television following a meeting with his Algerian counterpart: “Algeria will support Italy in supplying gas, our partnership will become stronger both in the short term and the medium and long term.”
Algeria currently transports around 60 million cubic metres (mcm) of natural gas to Italy via the Transmed pipeline, which has a potential daily capacity of more than 110mcm.
Now planned to enter service on 1 May 2022, the GIPL pipeline will connect the Polish grid with a route to Lithuania’s LNG terminal.
With the capacity to transport about 2.4 billion cubic metres (bcm) of gas per year in both directions, the GIPL is expected to help Poland in boosting LNG imports.
The project, which was initially planned to be commissioned this year, is also expected to allow Poland to transport natural gas to the Baltic states.