據EnergyYear網站橫濱報道,日本三菱重工旗下的三菱造船公司周三宣布,該公司日前已與基地設在神戶的船舶管理公司Sanyu Kisen公司簽署了一項協議,雙方將合作建造世界上第一艘用于碳捕獲和儲存的液體二氧化碳(LCO2)運輸船。
李峻 編譯自 EnergyYear.com
Mitsubishi to build world’s first LCO2 transport vessel
Mitsubishi Shipbuilding has signed an agreement with Kobe-based ship management company Sanyu Kisen Company to build the world’s first liquid carbon dioxide transport vessel for carbon capture and storage, the Japanese multinational announced on Wednesday.
Construction of the test ship will take place at the Enoura plant of Mistubishi Heavy Industries’ Shimonoseki Shipyard & Machinery Works. Completion is expected in H2 2023.
The ship will then be chartered by Engineering Advancement Association of Japan.
In association with the engineering company, Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha, Nippon Gas Line and Ochanomizu University will advance R&D and liquid carbon dioxide transportation technology to reduce costs.