據油價網2月18日消息稱,美國能源信息署(EIA)周五表示,繼2020年成為石油凈出口國的歷史性轉變后,較高的原油凈進口量將使美國今年再次成為石油凈進口國,就像 2021 年一樣。
2020年,美國成為石油凈出口國,原油和石油產品貿易總量標志著歷史性的轉變。EIA在 2019 年 9 月表示,按月計算,美國的原油和石油產品出口量超過了進口量——這是自1973年開始月度記錄以來,美國首次成為石油凈出口國。
政府補充說,同樣在 2020 年,美國原油進出口之差降至至少 1985 年以來的最低點。隨著 2021 年消費量的增加,原油凈進口量增加了 19%,達到平均每天 320 萬桶 (bpd)。
美國今年的原油進口量將繼續高于出口量,預計年均凈進口量為 390 萬桶/日。美國政府表示,如果 EIA 預測 2023 年美國原油產量達到創紀錄的 1260 萬桶/日,那么明年美國原油凈進口量將降至 340 萬桶/日。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 油價網
The U.S. Will Be A Net Oil importer In 2022
Higher net crude oil imports are set to make the United States a net petroleum importer this year again, as in 2021, after a historic shift of being a net petroleum exporter in 2020, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said on Friday.
A net petroleum importer is a country that imports more crude oil and refined products than the crude and products it exports.
While the U.S. has been a net petroleum products exporter for more than a decade, it has always been a net crude oil importer, that is, it imports more crude than it exports.
The total crude and petroleum products trade marked a historic shift in 2020 when the U.S. became a net petroleum exporter. On a monthly basis, it was in September 2019 when the United States exported more crude oil and petroleum products than it imported—the first month in which America was a net petroleum exporter since monthly records began in 1973, the EIA said at the end of 2019.
In 2020, the plunge in global oil demand and the low oil prices that removed incentives for petroleum-exporting countries to raise production allowed the United States to export more petroleum in 2020 than it had in the past, the EIA said today.
Also in 2020, the difference between U.S. crude oil imports and exports fell to its lowest point since at least 1985, the administration added. With rising consumption in 2021, net crude oil imports increased by 19 percent to an average of 3.2 million barrels per day (bpd).
The U.S. will continue to import more crude than it exports this year, with net imports expected at an annual average of 3.9 million bpd. If EIA forecasts of a record-high annual U.S. crude oil production of 12.6 million bpd in 2023 pan out, the U.S. net crude imports would drop to 3.4 million bpd next year, the administration said.