據安迅思12月23日消息稱,國際能源機構(IEA)周二表示,需求放緩和供應增加可能會導致 2022 年第一和第二季度的石油供需平衡更加舒適。
“在美國和歐佩克+國家的增長帶動下,全球石油產量有望從 12 月開始超過需求,”IEA補充說。
“隨著這種上升趨勢延續到 2022 年,美國、加拿大和巴西的年產量似乎將達到有史以來的最高水平,從而在2022年將非歐佩克+國家的總產量提高180萬桶/天。如果歐佩克+的剩余削減完全解除,沙特阿拉伯和俄羅斯也可能創下紀錄。在這種情況下,明年全球石油供應將增加640萬桶/天,而2021年僅增加150萬桶/天。”
IEA 的最新報告顯示,全球石油需求將在2021年增加540萬桶/天,在2022年增加330萬桶/天,使其達到大流行前的水平9950萬桶/天。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 安迅思
More comfortable crude oil supply/demand balances expected for Q1/Q2 2022 – IEA
Slowing demand and greater availability could lead to a more comfortable oil supply/demand balance in the first and second quarters of 2022, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said on Tuesday.
“A surge in new COVID cases is expected to slow the recovery in global oil demand, with air travel and jet fuel most affected,” the agency said on the publication of its monthly oil market report. The IEA revised average oil demand down since its November report, by about 100,000 bbl/day for both 2021 and 2022.
“Global oil production is poised to outpace demand from December, led by growth in the US and OPEC+ countries,” it added.
“As this upward trend extends into 2022, the US, Canada and Brazil look set to pump at their highest ever annual levels, lifting overall non-OPEC+ output by 1.8 mb/d in 2022. Saudi Arabia and Russia could also hit records if remaining OPEC+ cuts are fully unwound. In that case, global supply would soar by 6.4 mb/d next year compared with a 1.5 mb/d rise in 2021.”
The IEA’s latest report suggests that global oil demand will rise by 5.4m bbl/day in 2021 and by 3.3m bbl/day in 2022, taking it to pre-pandemic levels of 99.5m bbl/day.
“As 2021 draws to a close, the oil market appears to stand on a better footing than it has for some time,” the IEA added.