據《能源年》7月22日巴黎報道,道達爾能源公司(TotalEnergies)和德西尼布能源公司(Technip Energies)周三宣布,他們已經簽署了一項協議,旨在為液化天然氣生產和海上設施開發低碳解決方案。
道達爾勘探開發總裁阿諾·布呂亞克(Arnaud Breuillac)表示,這符合我們公司到2050年實現碳中和的雄心。我們期待與德西尼布能源公司合作,尋找有助于推進低碳未來的解決方案。
郝芬 譯自 《能源年》
TotalEnergies, Technip partner to decarbonise LNG
TotalEnergies and Technip Energies have signed an agreement to develop low-carbon solutions for LNG production and offshore facilities, the companies announced on Wednesday.
The research will involve exploring reducing the carbon footprint of existing assets and greenfield projects in the areas of LNG production, cryogenic processes and power generation through hydrogen and carbon capture, utilisation and storage.
Arnaud Breuillac, president of E&P at TotalEnergies, said that “it is in line with our company’s ambition to be carbon neutral by 2050. We are looking forward to co-operating with Technip Energies to find solutions helping to advance towards a low carbon future.”