據6月14日offshore energy消息:國際可再生能源機構(IRENA)和摩洛哥政府已同意密切合作,推進綠色氫經濟,以加速能源轉型。
馮娟 摘譯自 offshore energy
IRENA and Morocco partner up on green hydrogen
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Moroccan government have agreed to work closely on advancing the green hydrogen economy to accelerate the energy transition.
The strategic agreement is signed with IRENA, as Morocco aims to become a major green hydrogen producer and exporter.
Under this agreement, the two parties are to actively pursue green hydrogen studies and explore policy instruments to engage the private sector at a national level in the green hydrogen economy.
The parties will work together to develop technology and market outlook studies, craft public-private models of cooperation on hydrogen, explore the development of new hydrogen value chains and lay the groundwork for the trading of green hydrogen.
IRENA and Morocco will work together to strengthen the policies and regulatory frameworks for renewable energy deployment and energy efficiency applications in the country. They will promote renewable energy investments through the development of solid project pipelines, including in the context of the Coalition for Sustainable Energy Access initiative and the Climate Investment Platform (CIP).
Morocco co-facilitated IRENA’s Collaborative framework on Green Hydrogen together with the European Commission earlier this year to address challenges in developing the infrastructure, technology and certification needed to lay the ground for green hydrogen.
At the end of 2020, the Kingdom of Morocco had a total installed renewable energy capacity of almost 3.5 gigawatts, according to IRENA data.