據能源世界網6月4日報道,英國希思羅機場將首次使用可持續噴氣燃料,作為下周在該國舉行的七國集團 (G7) 富國峰會之前測試的一部分。
希思羅機場首席執行官約翰·霍蘭德·凱(John Holland Kaye)在聲明中表示,我們很高興希思羅機場是英國第一個成功采用可持續航空燃料的主要機場。現在是少說多做的時候了,部長們應該制定一項不斷升級的任務,將可持續航空燃料(SAF)混合到燃料中,并提供5-10年穩定的激勵措施,以促進生產投資,目標是到2030年達到10%,到2050年至少達到50%。
全球最大的獨立石油交易商維多集團,其旗下的維托航空(Vitol Aviation),是希思羅機場(Heathrow)的燃料供應商。該公司預計,將在今年晚些時候格拉斯哥舉行的COP26氣候峰會之前,提供更多可再生航空燃料,以減少與會國的排放。
郝芬 譯自 能源世界網
UK's Heathrow Airport to use renewable jet fuel for first time
Britain's Heathrow Airport will use sustainable jet fuel for the first time as part of a test ahead of a Group of Seven (G7) rich nations summit in the country next week.
The fuel, produced by Finland's Neste and supplied by oil trader Vitol, is made entirely of renewable and sustainable waste such as cooking oil and animal fat, the airport and companies said in a joint statement on Thursday.
It cuts greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80% compared with regular aviation fuel, they added.
Delivery of the green fuel began on Thursday and it will be incorporated into the airport's main fuel supply. The total volume will be the equivalent of 10 short-haul flights.
"We are delighted that Heathrow is the first UK major airport to successfully incorporate sustainable aviation fuels," Heathrow CEO John Holland-Kaye said in the statement.
"Now is the time for less talk and more action and Ministers should set an escalating mandate to blend SAF (sustainable aviation fuel) into fuel and provide incentives that are stable over 5-10 years to foster investment in production, with a target of 10% by 2030 and at least 50% by 2050."
Vitol, the world's biggest independent oil trader, is a fuel supplier at Heathrow through its Vitol Aviation arm and expects to deliver more renewable jet fuel ahead of the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow later this year, to cut attendees' emissions.