???? 據2月24日offshore energy消息:新加坡首艘液化天然氣(LNG)燃料船FueLNG Bellina開始了商業運營。并已對該船進行技術管理。
????FueLNG Bellina由FueLNG所有,FueLNG是Keppel Offshore & Marine和Shell Eastern Petroleum的合資企業。
????該船的首個合同將是為殼牌包租的油輪和Hapag Lloyd的一艘集裝箱船提供船舶天然氣。
????FueLNG還將從新加坡首個專用LNG加注設施提供LNG燃料,該設施計劃由Keppel O&M在其浮動生活實驗室上建造。殼牌將在2021年底投入運營時向該設施提供液化天然氣。
????該船由吉寶O&M的技術部門吉寶海洋和深水技術(KMDTech)設計,采用其專有的MTD 7500U LNG設計,具有駁船狀的延伸平面,可為各種船舶提供燃料。
????馮娟 摘譯自 offshore energy
????Singapore’s 1st LNG bunkering vessel starts commercial ops
????FueLNG Bellina, Singapore’s first liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunkering vessel, kicked off commercial operations.
????Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha (K Line) on Wednesday said it has commenced technical management of the vessel.
????FueLNG Bellina is owned by FueLNG, a joint venture between Keppel Offshore & Marine and Shell Eastern Petroleum.
????The vessel’s debut in Singapore is a milestone for the maritime industry in its efforts to reduce emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG).
????FueLNG Bellina was built by Keppel Offshore & Marine’s Nantong shipyard and delivered in January.
????The vessel’s first contracts will be to provide ship-to-ship LNG bunkering to the Shell-chartered tankers and for one of Hapag Lloyd’s container vessels.
????FueLNG will also provide LNG bunkering from Singapore’s first dedicated LNG bunkering facility scheduled to be built by Keppel O&M on its Floating Living Lab. Shell will be supplying the LNG to the facility when it becomes operational at the end of 2021.
????Designed by Keppel O&M’s technology arm, Keppel Marine and Deepwater Technology (KMDTech), to its proprietary MTD 7500U LNG design, the vessel has a barge-like extended flat surface to provide bunker to a wide range of vessels.