雪佛龍美洲勘探與生產總裁Bruce Niemeyer表示:“我們非常歡迎PDC能源加入雪佛龍。我們的公司有著相似的文化,專注于安全可靠的運營,團隊合作以實現成果,并使我們運營所在的社區受益。PDC的高質量資產為雪佛龍已經擁有強大影響力的美國重要盆地帶來了更大的機會。”
此次收購的資產包括位于科羅拉多丹佛-祖爾斯堡Denver-Julesburg (DJ)盆地的27.5萬英畝凈面積,毗鄰雪佛龍的現有業務,這將增加超過10億桶石油當量的探明儲量,以及位于二疊紀盆地2.5萬英畝凈面積的生產資產。
曹海斌 譯自 油氣新聞
Chevron Completes Acquisition of PDC Energy
Chevron Corporation (NYSE: CVX) announced today that its acquisition of PDC Energy, Inc. (NASDAQ: PDCE) has been completed following approval by PDC Energy shareholders.
“We’re pleased to welcome PDC Energy into Chevron,” said Bruce Niemeyer, Chevron’s president for Americas Exploration & Production. “Our companies have similar cultures, with a focus on safe and reliable operations, teaming to deliver results, and benefiting the communities where we operate. PDC’s high-quality assets open up even greater opportunities in important U.S. basins where Chevron already has a strong presence.”
The assets acquired include 275,000 net acres in the Denver-Julesburg (DJ) Basin adjacent to Chevron’s existing operations, which add more than 1 billion barrels of oil equivalent proved reserves, and 25,000 net acres in the Permian Basin that are held by production.