據生物質能雜志網6月16日報道,日本航空公司(JAL)與殼牌航空公司(Shell Aviation)簽署了一項協議,從2025年起,飛機將在洛杉磯采用可持續航空燃料(SAF)加油,為日本航空GX戰略中設定的ESG目標提供支持。這個ESG目標是在2025財年用SAF替代其全部噴氣燃料量的1%。根據該協議,殼牌將向日本航空供應可持續航空燃料(SAF)的數量,相當于日本航空目前在洛杉磯需求的噴氣燃料量。
日本航空集團將繼續加快SAF全球采購,通過“天空行動計劃”(ACT FOR SKY)推動國內生產的SAF的穩定批量生產、商業化、擴散和擴張,并努力在2030年用SAF取代10%的噴氣燃料消耗,以在2050年實現凈零排放。
林圣澤 編譯自 生物質能雜志網
Japan Airlines, Shell Aviation sign SAF purchase agreement
Japan Airlines (JAL) has signed an agreement with Shell Aviation which will see aircraft refueled in Los Angeles with sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) from 2025, supporting JAL’s ESG target of replacing 1 percent of its whole jet fuel amount with SAF in fiscal year 2025 set in its GX strategy. Under the agreement, Shell will supply JAL with SAF volumes equivalent to its current estimated jet fuel uplifts in Los Angeles over the supply period.
The SAF to be supplied emits 75 percent less CO2 than conventional jet fuel when used neat and the associated lifecycle emission reduction from this agreement amounts to more than 47,000 tons of CO2 on an annual basis.
On May 2, 2023, JAL announced its plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 (“JAL Group Medium-Term Management Plan Formulated the Rolling Plan 2023”) and has set a goal to reduce 10 percent of its CO2 emission compared to the 2019 level by fiscal year 2030. In line with these goals, as interim targets, JAL intends to replace 1 percent of its total jet fuel consumption with SAF in fiscal year 2025 and 10 percent in fiscal year 2030.
JAL Group will continue to accelerate SAF procurements globally, advance the stable mass-production, commercialization, diffusion and expansion of domestically produced SAF through ACT FOR SKY activities, and make efforts toward replacing 10 percent of its jet fuel consumption with SAF in 2030 in order to achieve net zero emission by 2050.