他在美國眾議院聽證會上對議員們表示:“國會授權的2600萬桶原油銷售計劃將在6月前完成,屆時我們將按下開關,然后尋求為SPR回購原油。 ”
美國去年從SPR中出售了1.8億桶原油,這是美國有史以來規模最大的一次SPR原油出售, 加上去年的其他銷售,美國戰略石油儲備水平已降至約3.72億桶,為1983年以來的最低水平。
能源咨詢公司拉皮丹能源集團能源政策分析師Bob McNally表示,格蘭霍姆的此番言論“反映出一場激烈的信息傳遞活動,可能意在安撫共和黨人對戰略石油儲備大量提取的憤怒”。 能源部長的評論也可能是為了勸阻歐佩克+組織不要再次削減供應。
李峻 編譯自 路透社
US Could Start Buying Oil for Reserve After June Sale, Energy Secretary Says
U.S. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm told lawmakers on Thursday her department could start repurchasing oil for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) after completing a congressionally mandated sale next month.
"That congressionally mandated sale of 26 million barrels will be completed by June, and it's at that point where we will flip the switch and then seek to purchase," Granholm told lawmakers in a hearing in the U.S. House of Representatives.
The Administration last year conducted the largest ever sale from the SPR of 180 million barrels. That and other sales last year pushed the level of the reserve to about 372 million barrels, the lowest since 1983.
Granholm previously said the Energy Department could start buying back in the fourth quarter after maintenance on two of the reserve's four sites on the coasts of Texas and Louisiana.
The Administration has said it will buy oil when prices are consistently at or below $67 to $72 per barrel. U.S. crude prices fell more than 2% on Thursday to settle at $70.87 a barrel.
Granholm's comments "reflect an intense messaging campaign likely intended to mollify Republicans angry about the big SPR draws," said Bob McNally an energy policy analyst at Rapidan Energy. Granholm's comments also likely seek to dissuade OPEC+, an oil production group including Saudi Arabia and the largger producer, from cutting supply again, he said.
OPEC+ last cut output in April, a surprise move of about 1.15 million barrels per day, that the United States called inadvisable.