高盛投資銀行是樂觀的預測者之一,其分析師10月早些時候表示,布倫特原油價格可能比此前預期的更早回到每桶100美元上方。 事實上,他們表示,布倫特原油價格明年可能突破每桶125美元。
一些分析師,如丹麥盛寶銀行的Ole Hansen也指出,歐佩克+的減產將減少未來幾個月的全球原油供應,而對石油的需求預計將在禁運期間增加。
根據總部位于沙特阿拉伯利雅得的能源智庫——國際能源論壇公布的數據,由于禁運,石油供應量可能每日減少100萬至300萬桶,這無疑將對油價產生影響。 中國的新冠肺炎政策可能會緩解這一影響,遏制潛在的上漲。
李峻 編譯自 油價網
Goldman Sachs Slashes Oil Price Forecast By $10
· Goldman Sachs has cut its oil price forecast by $10.
· Goldman also noted an increase in Russian oil exports ahead of the EU embargo as a cause for the forecast revision.
Goldman Sachs has cut its oil price forecast by $10 to $100 per barrel.
The investment bank’s analysts also noted the increased exports of oil before the European Union embargo goes into effect next month as another reason for the forecast revision, according to ForexLive.
Just how much the oil price forecast context has changed this year shows in Goldman’s forecasts from January, when the bank warned that Brent could top $100 per barrel at some point in 2022.
That happened perhaps earlier than many have expected. Still, after that over-$100 peak, crude oil prices have fallen and stayed below the three-digit threshold, even though many argue that it’s a matter of time before they rebound above $100 again.
Goldman is one of the bullish forecasters, with its analysts saying earlier this month that Brent crude could return to above $100 sooner than previously thought. In fact, they said that Brent could breach $125 per barrel next year
Some analysts, such as Danish Saxo Bank’s Ole Hansen, also note the OPEC+ production cut, which will reduce the globally available supply of crude oil in the coming months, while demand for oil is expected to increase amid the embargo.
According to the International Energy Forum, a Saudi-based energy think-tank, oil supply could drop by between one and three million barrels daily because of the embargo, which will undoubtedly have an impact on prices. Chinese Covid policies could mitigate this impact, capping a potential rally.