據奧地利報紙《Kurier》報道,該財團包括挪威第二大天然氣生產商Aker BP的母公司Aker ASA、全球大宗商品交易商托克和私募股權公司Bluewater。該財團表示有興趣收購該勘探與生產部門51%的股權。
然而,該報紙和消息人士都表示,該財團曾表示,它有能力保證奧地利的天然氣供應安全,這是奧地利政府的首要任務,奧地利政府擁有OMV 31.5%的股份。
曹海斌 摘譯自 油氣新聞
Consortium including Aker, Trafigura offers to buy OMV’s E&P unit –report
A consortium including Norwegian energy group Aker has made an unsolicited offer to buy most of Austrian oil and gas firm OMV’s exploration and production business, according to newspaper report on Tuesday which an industry source confirmed to Reuters.
The consortium, which comprises Aker ASA, the parent company of Norway’s second-biggest gas producer Aker BP as well as global commodities trader Trafigura and private-equity firm Bluewater, has expressed an interest in buying 51% of the E&P division, Austrian newspaper Kurier said.
Trafigura declined to comment. Bluewater did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
An industry source confirmed the consortium’s expression of interest but identified Aker BP as the member rather than Aker ASA. The newspaper and the source both said, however, that the consortium had said it was able to guarantee Austria’s security of supply of gas, a top priority for the Austrian government, which owns 31.5% of OMV.