據《能源年》8月12日波哥達報道,哥倫比亞國有石油公司哥倫比亞國家石油公司(ecoptrol) 周三宣布,該公司和美國超級巨頭殼牌(Shell)在哥倫比亞加勒比超深水COL-5區塊的Gorgon-2評價井中發現了天然氣。
Gorgon-2井的天然氣證實了哥倫比亞一個近海天然氣省的擴展可采區域,這與2015年Kronos-1探測以及2017年Gorgon-1井和Purple Angel-1井的發現有關。
殼牌經營著COL-5區塊、Purple Angel區塊和Fuerte Sure區塊,其與合作伙伴哥倫比亞國家石油公司各持有50%股份。
郝芬 譯自《能源年》
Shell strikes gas offshore Colombia
Ecopetrol and American super-major Shell have struck gas at the Gorgon-2 appraisal well on the ultra-deepwater COL-5 block in the Colombian Caribbean, the NOC announced on Wednesday.
The find was made by Transocean’s Deepwater Thalassa drillship in water depths of around 2,400 metres.
Gas was found at depths of more than 4,000 metres. Estimates of the deposits were not given.
Gas at the Gorgon-2 well confirms the extension of an offshore gas province in Colombia linked to previous discoveries at the Kronos-1 probe in 2015 and the Gorgon-1 well and Purple Angel-1 well in 2017.
Shell operates the COL-5 block, Purple Angel block and Fuerte Sure block in Colombia alongside its partner Ecopetrol with 50% shares each.