據烴加工網7月12日報道,航空史上首次向商業航空公司交付CORS IA認證的一批可持續航空燃料(SAF)。世界領先的SAF生產商耐思特,向舊金山國際機場的美國航空公司交付了一批耐斯特MY可持續航空燃料。這是以認證SAF作為CORS IA合格燃料試驗的一部分,可用于航空公司履行CORSIA規定的排放義務。
國際航空碳抵消和減少計劃(“CORSIA”)是一項碳抵消和減少計劃,旨在降低國際航班的二氧化碳排放,遏制航空對氣候變化的影響。它是由國際民用航空組織(ICAO)開發的。但到目前為止,全球還沒有一家航空公司接收了CORS IA認證的SAF ,這是第一次。
耐斯特一直與航空利益相關者密切合作,以加快SAF的使用,并與美國航空公司(按機隊規模衡量,世界上最大的航空公司)有著長期的合作關系。兩家公司都支持CORSIA的減排目標,但由于 CORSIA下的SAF認證程序是新的,他們決定建立一個試點項目來認證一批SAF ,并使用該程序來了解其面臨的挑戰。
耐斯特可再生航空執行副總裁托斯滕·蘭格(Thorsten Lange)表示,可持續航空燃料被廣泛認為是實現航空業2020年碳中和增長和2050年實現凈零排放目標的關鍵因素。與美國航空公司的試點是一個完美的機會,證明了交付CORS IA認證的SAF的可行性,并獲得了有用的見解,以建立程序和我們需要克服的挑戰,以實施CORSIA 。
Thorsten Lange繼續道,與美國航空公司、ISCC和所有其他相關機構的合作對實現這一重要里程碑至關重要。我們將在ICAO即將發布的環境報告中分享我們的經驗。因為最終,我們需要與航空業的所有利益相關者合作來實現減排。
與化石航空燃料相比,NEST MY可持續航空燃料是當今可以在燃料的生命周期內減少80%的飛行溫室氣體排放的一種解決方案。耐斯特生產的SAF由可持續資源,100%可再生廢料和殘渣原料制成。作為一種低碳燃料,它可以與現有的飛機引擎和機場燃料基礎設施一起使用,不需要額外的投資。
郝芬 譯自 烴加工網
Neste delivers first ever CORSIA certified SAF to American Airlines
For the first time in aviation history a CORSIA certified batch of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) was delivered to a commercial airline. Neste, the world’s leading SAF producer, delivered a batch of its Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel to American Airlines at San Francisco International Airport. This was part of a pilot to certify SAF as a CORSIA eligible fuel that can be used by an airline to meet its emissions obligation under CORSIA.
The Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (“CORSIA”) is a carbon offset and carbon reduction scheme to lower CO2 emissions for international flights, to curb the aviation impact on climate change. It was developed by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). But until now, no airline in the world has taken delivery of CORSIA-certified SAF, making this delivery a first.
Neste has been working together closely with aviation stakeholders to accelerate the use of SAF and has a long-standing partnership with American Airlines, the world's largest airline when measured by fleet size. Both companies support CORSIA’s emissions reduction goals, but as the SAF certification process under CORSIA is new, they decided to set up a pilot project to certify a batch of SAF and use that process to understand its challenges.
Sustainable aviation fuel is widely acknowledged as a key element in achieving the aviation industry’s goals of carbon neutral growth from 2020 and reaching net-zero emissions by 2050,” says Thorsten Lange, Neste’s Executive Vice President, Renewable Aviation. “The pilot with American Airlines was a perfect opportunity for proving the feasibility of delivering CORSIA certified SAF and gaining useful insights into setting up the process and the challenges we need to overcome to enable the implementation of CORSIA.”
“American is proud to partner with Neste to demonstrate how SAF can meet the robust sustainability standards that ICAO has established for CORSIA,” said Jill Blickstein, Head of ESG at American. “Our work together will also help demonstrate to American’s customers that SAF can meet these high standards.”
Compliance with the CORSIA sustainability criteria requires independent attestation by an ICAO-approved Sustainability Certification Scheme (SCS). Neste decided to pursue this certification from the International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) system.
“Cooperation with American, ISCC and all others involved was absolutely critical in achieving this important milestone,” Thorsten Lange continues. “We will be sharing our experiences in ICAO’s upcoming Environmental Report. Because in the end, we need cooperation with all stakeholders within the aviation industry to achieve the emission reductions.”
Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel is a today solution for reducing the greenhouse gas emissions of flying by up to 80% over the fuel’s life cycle compared to fossil jet fuel. Neste-produced SAF is made from sustainably sourced, 100% renewable waste and residue raw materials. As a drop-in fuel it can be used with existing aircraft engines and airport fuel infrastructure, requiring no extra investment to them.