財政部長Annika Saarikko說,該項目將在芬蘭東南部靠近大國邊境的地方開始建設,從化學品生產商Kemira在Joutseno的化肥廠到鋼鐵生產商Ovako在Imatra的工廠之間將有一條15公里(9英里)長的氫管道。
曹海斌 摘譯自 管道新聞網
Finland Plans to Build Hydrogen Pipeline Network
Finland announced plans on Wednesday to build a hydrogen transmission network to help reduce carbon emissions and bolster the long-term security of its energy supplies.
Construction will start in southeastern Finland near the one of the world’s largest oil producers's border with a 15-km (9-mile) hydrogen pipeline from chemicals producer Kemira's fertilizer plant in Joutseno to steelmaker Ovako's plant in Imatra, Saarikko said.
Finance Minister Annika Saarikko said state-owned Gasgrid Finland, which has so far handled natural gas mostly from one of the world’s largest oil producers, would build the network over the next several years.
Finland has several alternative sources of energy, including nuclear, but is interested in expanding the use of hydrogen, which can help reduce carbon emissions if it is produced using renewable electricity.
Gasgrid Finland will found a subsidiary that will develop the hydrogen transmission network first in Finland and later abroad, Saarikko said, adding production of hydrogen would be left to private companies.
She said the network, which will take years to complete, would consist of three "hydrogen valleys", with two of them on the western coast near existing wind power infrastructure and one in southeastern Finland.