據世界石油網4月15日報道,伍德是一家咨詢和工程公司,將為道達爾埃倫公司的H2 Magallanes項目提供概念工程,這是一個大型的綠色制氫設施,位于智利南部麥哲倫地區的圣格雷戈里奧公社。
伍德的研究將為道達爾·埃倫和麥哲倫大學圍繞H2 Magallanes項目提供精確的環境影響評估和風險分析,并且符合智利政府制定的高環境和社會標準。
伍德公司可再生能源與電力總裁Thomas Grell表示:“我們非常高興能被道達爾·埃倫這樣的知名可再生能源公司選中,參與H2 Magallanes項目。這一具有開創性和創新性的項目不僅為實現綠色氫生產的未來,也為開發綠色氨的潛力(綠色氨對確保可持續糧食生產至關重要)以及加速能源轉型所需的替代清潔燃料源提供了重大投資。
季廷偉 摘譯自 世界石油網
Wood to engineer Total Eren’s large-scale green hydrogen project in Chile
Wood, a consulting and engineering company, will provide conceptual engineering for Total Eren’s H2 Magallanes Project, a large-scale green hydrogen production facility, to be in the commune of San Gregorio, in the Magallanes region, Southern Chile.
Wood’s scope covers the development of a complete off-grid integrated energy complex to produce ammonia from green hydrogen – avoiding up to 5 million tons of CO? annually. The engineering package will include up to 10 GW of installed wind capacity, coupled with up to 8 GW of electrolysis capacity, a desalination plant, an ammonia (NH3) plant, power transmission and backup, and port facilities to transport the green ammonia to national and international markets.
In the frame of the project, Total Eren has signed in November 2021 a collaboration agreement with the University of Magallanes (the UMAG), a renowned public institution with great experience in the fields of Engineering, Environmental and Social Studies.
Wood’s studies will provide ground for Total Eren and the UMAG to deliver precise environmental impact assessments and risk analysis surrounding the H2 Magallanes Project, in accordance with the high environmental and social standards defined by the Chilean authorities.
Thomas Grell, President of Renewable Energy & Power at Wood, said: “We are very pleased to have been selected by such a renowned renewable energy player like Total Eren to work on the H2 Magallanes Project. This highly pioneering and innovative project represents the significant investment needed to realize not only the future of green hydrogen production but the potential of green ammonia, which is vital for ensuring sustainable food production, and an alternative clean fuel source in accelerating the energy transition.
“This contract signals our continued growth in the region and our determination to realize the bold ambitions shared by both our client and Chile. Our ability to provide integrated energy solutions and optimize the design of such projects from inception demonstrates clearly we are a true energy transition partner as we strive to overcome the challenges our clients, sectors and communities face.”
With some of the best solar and wind resources in the world, Chile features among the most promising countries to develop competitive green hydrogen. The project ties in with Chile’s ambition to feature among global leaders in the production of green hydrogen via electrolysis, with a target of 25 GW by 2030.