據油田技術3月25日消息稱,華爾道夫生產公司已與MOL匈牙利石油天然氣公司 (MOL) 的全資子公司簽訂了具有約束力的買賣協議,以收購MOL的某些英國子公司,包括其整個英國大陸架 (UKCS) 業務。
正在收購的UKCS關鍵資產包括Greater Catcher Area (GCA) 20%的非經營性權益、scoty和crath油田50%的非經營性權益、Scott油田21.83%的非經營性權益和Telford油田1.59%的非經營性權益。該交易的經濟生效日期為2021年1月1日,目前預計在2022年下半年完成。被收購的子公司和資產在完成后將繼續由公司持有。
華爾道夫首席執行官Erik Brodahl表示:“我們很高興收購MOL的英國投資組合,從而使我們在GCA的股份翻倍。按照交易計劃,華爾道夫公司2021年的產量將增加55%,達到每天3.4萬桶油當量,到2020年底2P儲量將增加近三分之一,從5160萬桶油當量增至6750萬桶油當量。在短期內,華爾道夫將繼續在北海的非運營生產基地上尋找進一步的增長機會。”
朱佳妮 摘譯自 油田技術
Waldorf Production acquires MOL’s UK North Sea assets
Waldorf Production has entered into a binding Sale and Purchase Agreement with a wholly-owned subsidiary of MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Plc (MOL) for the acquisition of certain of MOL’s UK subsidiaries comprising their entire UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) business.
The key UKCS assets being acquired include non-operated interests of 20% in the Greater Catcher Area (GCA), 50% in the Scolty and Crathes fields as well as 21.83% in the Scott and 1.59% in the Telford licences. The transaction has an economic effective date of 1 January 2021, with completion currently expected in 2H22. The subsidiaries and assets being acquired will continue to be held by the company after completion.
Erik Brodahl, Chief Executive of Waldorf, said: “We are excited to acquire MOL’s UK portfolio and by so doing to double our stake in GCA. Pro forma for the transaction Waldorf’s 2021 production increases by c. 55% to c.34,000 boe per day and end 2020 2P reserves by almost a third from 51.6 mmboe to 67.5 mmboe. Waldorf continues to look for further growth opportunities building on its resilient non-operated North Sea production base in the near-term.”