彭博新聞社援引沙特阿拉伯西北部新城市NEOM的能源和水主管彼得· 特里姆的話報道說,這個項目將從2026年開始銷售無碳氫氣。
曾任德國萊茵集團首席執行官的Terium在接受采訪時表示,從亞洲到美國的企業可能會對氫氣出口有需求。 氫氣被視為向更清潔能源轉型的關鍵。
李峻 編譯自 阿拉伯貿易網
Saudi Arabia to start building $5bn green hydrogen plant
Saudi Arabia is exepcted to begin building a green hydrogen plant costing $5 billion this month, according to a Bloomberg report.
The project in NEOM, a new city being built in in northwestern Saudi Arabia, is on track to sell carbon-free hydrogen from 2026, said the report quoting Peter Terium, the head of energy and water for the new region.
Engineers have finished flattening the site and US-based Air Products & Chemicals will soon begin building the facility, he said.
There will probably be demand from companies from Asia to the US for the exports, Terium, who used to be chief executive officer of Germany’s RWE AG, said in an interview. Hydrogen is seen as pivotal for the transition to cleaner forms of energy.