據管道新聞網3月14日消息稱,三名知情人士對路透表示,巴西國家石油公司將達成協議,將向美國私募股權公司 EIG Energy Partners 出售連接玻利維亞和巴西南部的天然氣管道的控制權。
一位不愿透露姓名的消息人士透露,巴西國家石油公司預計將獲得超過 5 億美元的 TBG 51% 股份。根據談判的細節,出價可能高達 10 億美元。
2016年,巴西國家石油公司以52億美元的價格將橫跨東南部各州的Nova Transportadora do Sudeste (NTS)出售給了加拿大Brookfield資產管理公司和巴西Itausa SA牽頭的一個財團。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 管道新聞網
Petrobras and EIG Near Deal for Bolivia-Brazil Gas Pipeline
State-run Brazilian oil company Petrobras is close to reaching an agreement to sell to U.S. private equity firm EIG Energy Partners control of a natural gas pipeline that connects Bolivia and southern Brazil, three people with knowledge of the matter told Reuters.
Petroleo Brasileiro SA, as the company is formally known, is expected to receive more than $500 million for the 51% stake in TBG, added one of the sources, who requested anonymity to discuss private negotiations. The bid could reach up to $1 billion depending on details of the talks.
Under negotiation is Transportadora Brasileira Gasoduto Bolivia-Brasil (TBG), which operates the Brazilian section of the pipeline, called Gasbol.
The roughly 2,600 km (1,600 mile) pipeline system is the main transportation network for natural gas in the south of Brazil. It generated more than 900 million reais ($180 million) of operating profit for its owners in the first nine months of last year.
Gasbol can transport up to 30 million cubic meters per day (1.1 billion cubic feet per day) of natural gas from Bolivia to consumer markets in Brazil.
Petrobras declined to comment on the talks. EIG did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
TBG will be the third gas pipeline company privatized in recent years in Brazil.
In 2016, Petrobras sold Nova Transportadora do Sudeste (NTS), which runs through southeastern states, for $5.2 billion to a consortium led by Canada's Brookfield Asset Management and Brazil's Itausa SA.
In 2019, Petrobras sold pipeline company TAG for $8.7 billion to France's Engie and Canadian pension fund CDPQ.