RAC燃料發言人西蒙·威廉姆斯(Simon Williams)在一份聲明中表示,我們仍然希望,零售商很快就會開始將最近批發燃料價格的下調傳遞給下次購買燃料的司機。
郝芬 譯自 鉆機地帶
UK Fuel Prices Soar to Record Levels
It’s never been more expensive to fill up a car in the U.K.
The price of gasoline on Tuesday rose to a record 164.98 pence per liter, according to the RAC, the country’s main motoring organization. Diesel hit 176.04 pence, also an all-time high.
Since the start of March, both fuels have risen at their fastest rate on record. Prices were already historically high due to a tight market.
A full tank of unleaded gasoline for family car now costs almost 91 pounds ($119). For a diesel vehicle, it’s 97 pounds.
“We continue to remain hopeful that retailers will soon start to pass on recent reductions in the price of wholesale fuel to drivers when they next buy supply,” RAC fuel spokesman Simon Williams said in a statement.