據管道&天然氣雜志網3月2日報道,日前,道達爾能源已加入Trident Winds Inc.與Castle Wind LLC合資企業(JV),在加利福尼亞州中部莫羅灣海岸開發1吉瓦海上風電項目。該公司加入了該合資公司,并收購了北美EnBW之前持有的股份。
Castle Wind將于2022年底參與海洋能源管理局預期的租賃銷售。
道達爾美國海上風電主管戴維·福隆(David Foulon)表示,道達爾很樂意將我們在部署高效、大規模海上資產方面的全球專業知識帶到加利福尼亞州的Castle Wind。這些團隊在過去幾年完成的工作為當地社區奠定了堅實的基礎,我們期待著與他們合作,為該州帶來清潔能源。與Castle Wind的這一合作關系是道達爾為美國海上風電產業的發展做出貢獻的又一重要步驟,并實現其到2030年成為全球五大可再生能源生產商的全球目標。
Castle Wind的首席執行官真主安拉Weinstein表示,該公司歡迎道達爾能源公司對合資企業和項目團隊的可再生能源的堅定承諾。自2016年首次在加利福尼亞州發現海上風電開發機會以來,我們已經取得了長足的進步,如今,我們正站在一個世代機遇的邊緣,以確保加利福尼亞州的清潔能源未來。道達爾能源公司擁有超過10吉瓦的海上風電項目正在開發中,其經驗和專業知識將為我們在加州實現海上風力發電提供寶貴的幫助。
郝芬 譯自 管道&天然氣雜志網
TotalEnergies Joins JV to Develop Offshore Wind Farm in California
TotalEnergies has joined Trident Winds Inc. in the Castle Wind LLC joint venture (JV) for the development of a 1 GW offshore wind project off the coast of Morro Bay, off the Central California Coast. The company entered the JV and acquired the shares previously held by EnBW North America.
Castle Wind is poised to participate in the anticipated Bureau of Ocean Energy Management lease sale in late 2022.
"TotalEnergies is pleased to bring our global expertise in deploying efficient, large-scale offshore assets to Castle Wind in California,” David Foulon, head of U.S. Offshore Wind at TotalEnergies, said. “The work completed by the teams in the last years has laid a solid foundation with the local communities, and we look forward to working with them to bring clean energy to the state. This partnership in Castle Wind is another important step for TotalEnergies to contribute to the U.S. offshore wind industry ramp-up, and fulfill its global ambition of becoming a top five producer of renewable energy worldwide by 2030."
TotalEnergies has been a long-time renewable energy player in California as the majority shareholder of San Jose-based SunPower since 2012. In February 2022, TotalEnergies purchased SunPower Corp.'s Commercial & Industrial Solutions business, integrating the team of nearly 300 and further enhancing its footprint in the solar industry. The company has offices in San Francisco and Los Angeles.
"Castle Wind welcomes TotalEnergies with its deep commitment to renewable energy to the joint venture and the project team," Alla Weinstein, CEO of Castle Wind, said. "We have come a long way since first identifying the opportunity for offshore wind development in California in 2016 and stand today at the precipice of a generational opportunity to secure California's clean energy future. We are excited to begin the next chapter of this journey. TotalEnergies' experience and expertise, with over 10 GW of offshore wind projects under development, will be invaluable as we work towards making offshore wind a reality in California."