據OE網站2月15日報道,俄羅斯能源公司俄羅斯天然氣工業股份公司(Gazprom)旗下石油公司俄氣石油(Gazprom Neft)的一名高級經理周二對路透表示,該公司預計在新技術的幫助下,今年將石油鉆探量恢復至疫情前的水平。
俄氣石油負責勘探的尤里·馬薩爾金 (Yury Masalkin) 表示,新技術幫助該公司在西西伯利亞的Zima項目從發現石油之時起將開始生產時間提前了2-3倍。由于在俄羅斯引進了一種新的復雜地質建模方法,該公司已經達到了業內最高的鉆井成功率公司之一。
郝芬 譯自 OE
Gazprom Neft to Restore Oil Drilling to Pre-pandemic Level in 2022
Gazprom Neft, the oil arm of Russian energy firm Gazprom, expects to restore oil drilling to pre-pandemic volumes this year with the help of new technologies, a company senior manager told Reuters on Tuesday.
Analysts and company sources have said Russia may miss its May target of reaching pre-crisis oil output levels due to a lack of spare production capacity, but could do so later in the year.
Yury Masalkin, in charge of exploration at Gazprom Neft, said the new technologies have helped speed up the start of production from the time of oil discovery by 2-3 times at the company's Zima project in West Siberia.
"The company has reached one of the highest rates of successful drilling in the industry thanks to introduction of a new approach to complex geological modelling in Russia," he said.
Gazprom Neft has said it plans to increase drilling activity this year by around a half. It expects oil and gas condensate output to rise by 7% in 2022.