? 截至2020年底,美國原油探明儲量和伴生氣凝析油探明儲量下降19%,從472億桶降至382億桶。2020年原油探明儲量減少84億桶,伴生氣凝析油探明儲量(產自天然氣井)減少了5.6 億桶。
? 2020年美國的原油和伴生氣凝析油產量下降了 7%。
郝芬 譯自 全球能源新聞網
The price effects of the economic slowdown following the COVID-19 pandemic contributed to reductions in U.S. petroleum and natural gas reserves in 2020. Proved reserves of crude oil and lease condensate decreased by 9 billion barrels in 2020, a decline of 19%, and proved reserves of natural gas decreased by just over 22 trillion cubic feet (Tcf), a decline of 4%.
The COVID-19 pandemic had significant effects on the reserves we report in this paper. On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization characterized the COVID-19 outbreak as a pandemic. Many states imposed mandatory lockdowns and issued stay-at-home orders, and in addition to travel restrictions, people also voluntarily chose not to travel to avoid exposure. Consequently, demand fell for transportation fuels, and fuel prices fell. Liquid fuel production also faced a critical shortage of available storage. Operators revised their proved reserves downward in 2020 and postponed developmental drilling.
Oil highlights
? Proved reserves of U.S. crude oil and lease condensate declined 19%, from 47.2 billion barrels to 38.2 billion barrels at the end of 2020. Proved reserves of crude oil decreased 8.4 billion barrels in 2020, and proved reserves of lease condensate (produced from natural gas wells) decreased by 560 million barrels.
? U.S. production of crude oil and lease condensate decreased by 7% in 2020 .
? Texas, the state with the largest volume of proved reserves of crude oil and lease condensate, had the largest net decrease in proved reserves in 2020 (3.1 billion barrels or 16%) .
? North Dakota had the second-largest net decrease (2.2 billion barrels or 38%), and the Federal Offshore Gulf of Mexico experienced the third-largest decline (0.8 billion barrels or 16%).
? The largest net increase in proved reserves of crude oil and lease condensate in 2020 was in Utah (91 million barrels or 30%).
Natural gas highlights
? Proved reserves of natural gas decreased 4%, from 495.4 Tcf at year-end 2019 to 473.3 Tcf at year-end 2020.
? This decrease was the second consecutive annual decrease in proved reserves of natural gas in the United States.
? Producers in Alaska added a substantial new volume of proved natural gas reserves in 2020. The annual total of proved natural gas reserves in Alaska increased in 2020 by 27 Tcf, quadrupling the state’s total from 9 Tcf to 36 Tcf.
? Producers in Texas reported the largest decrease in proved reserves of natural gas in 2020 (11 Tcf or 9%). Pennsylvania saw the second-largest decrease of natural gas proved reserves (9.6 Tcf or 9%).
Between 1980 and 1996, U.S. reserves of natural gas and crude oil experienced a steady decline (Figure 1). In 1997, the downward trend for natural gas reserves reversed as operators introduced innovations in directional drilling and hydraulic fracturing techniques that successfully increased proved reserves and production of natural gas from shale formations. In 2008, the downward trend for crude oil reversed when operators applied innovations in directional drilling and hydraulic fracturing to tight oil-bearing formations, such as the Bakken shale of the Williston Basin. The upward reserves and production trends continued until 2015, when the industry experienced a significant drop in prices of both oil and natural gas, and proved reserves were revised downward because the lower prices did not support operators’ projections of resource development. From 2016 to 2018, U.S. oil and natural gas prices and reserves both trended upward by at least 9% each year. In 2019, that trend of rising reserves was interrupted, and in 2020, proved reserves declined for both fuels, similar to the drop observed five years before in 2015.