據《能源年》1月27日利物浦報道,印度跨國控股公司Essar集團周三宣布,與子公司 Vertex氫公司成立了一家合資企業,斥資13.5億美元建造英國最大的氫工廠。
頂點能源公司(Vertex Energy )由Essar集團和英國進步能源公司(UK company Progressive Energy)共同擁有。
郝芬 譯自 《能源年》
Essar Group to build UK’s largest hydrogen hub
Essar Group has formed a joint venture with subsidiary Vertex Hydrogen to build UK’s largest hydrogen facility for USD 1.35 billion, the Indian multinational holding company announced on Wednesday.
UK’s first low-carbon hydrogen facility will be located on the south side of the Mersey Estuary near Liverpool and will produce 1 GW. The facility is set to be operational in 2026.
Produced hydrogen will be aimed at heating homes, fuelling vehicles and providing for industrial sectors.
The development is part of the Hynet North West project meant to spur installation of a hydrogen system in the northwest of the UK and northern Wales.
Captured hydrogen will be stored by Hynet North West partner Eni offshore Liverpool Bay.
Vertex Energy is jointly owned by Essar Group and the UK company Progressive Energy.