美國能源部在一份機構聲明中指出,這筆資金將通過清潔能源技術、先進低碳制造和量子信息科學的早期研究,推動氣候解決方案。 據說,EFRC計劃將跨學科和機構的不同科學家團隊聚集在一起,專注于解決早期研究中的復雜問題,并加速材料科學、化學科學、地球科學和生物科學等最具挑戰性領域的進展。
美國能源部的網站強調說,“我們鼓勵有興趣的申請者組建多樣化和多學科的研究團隊,以實現一套明確的研究目標。 預申請的提交截止日期是2月15日,申請的提交截止日期是5月3日?!?/p>
1月早些時候,美國能源部宣布為各種小型企業提供3500萬美元資金,以尋求科學、清潔能源和氣候解決方案。 據美國能源部說,這筆資金將支持29個州的158個項目,這些項目將致力于開發一系列清潔能源技術。
李峻 編譯自 美國鉆井網站
USA Announces $420MM Clean Energy Breakthrough Fund
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has announced a $420 million funding opportunity for DOE’s Energy Frontier Research Centers (EFRC).
This funding will advance climate solutions through early-stage research on clean energy technology, advanced and low-carbon manufacturing, and quantum information science, the DOE noted in an organization statement. The EFRC program is said to bring together diverse teams of scientists across disciplines and institutions solely focused on solving complex problems in early stage research and accelerating advances in the most challenging areas of materials sciences, chemical sciences, geosciences, and biosciences.
EFRC research has led to hundreds of scientific discoveries and more than 200 issued patents that have led to the development of clean technologies like high-capacity batteries, windows that convert sunlight to electricity, and materials that can capture carbon dioxide, the DOE revealed. The organization noted that breakthroughs in basic research will be key to creating the climate solutions that will help achieve the goal of a zero-emission economy by 2050.
“Spearheaded by world-leading scientists, DOE’s Energy Frontier Research Centers are innovation powerhouses that have unlocked scientific breakthroughs leading to transformative climate solutions like solar windows and carbon capture technology,” U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm said in a DOE statement.
“This funding will create good paying jobs and open doors to an array of clean energy technologies across industries that will be crucial to lowering carbon emissions, meeting our climate goals, and creating the clean infrastructure of the future,” Granholm added in the statement.
Interested applicants have been encouraged to assemble diverse and multi-disciplinary teams of researchers to achieve a well-defined set of research goals. The submission deadline for pre-applications is February 15 and the submission deadline for applications is May 3, DOE’s website highlights.
Earlier this month, the DOE announced $35 million in funding for diverse small businesses to pursue scientific, clean energy, and climate solutions. The funding will support 158 projects across 29 states that will aim to develop an array of clean energy technology, according to the DOE.
In December, the DOE issued a funding opportunity announcement for up to $100 million to support the deployment of novel technologies that can significantly change how communities, industries and businesses reduce emissions, promote energy efficiency, and drive grid modernization.