據zawya 1月11日消息,bp與合作伙伴埃尼集團(Eni)成功參與了埃及天然氣控股公司(EGAS)于2021年組織的“埃及石油勘探開發國際招標”,并獲得了埃及授予的地中海東部的一個海上勘探區塊。
EGY-MED-E5 區塊位于塞得港東北約 130 公里處的地中海,bp和埃尼各持有 50% 的權益。該區塊占地面積約3200平方米,水深介于500米至1200米之間。該區塊位于Deep Levant盆地內,該盆地具有通過現有基礎設施開發物質天然氣的潛力。
bp北非地區總裁Karim Alaa表示:“這項新合同鞏固了bp的持續承諾,即通過利用靠近我們現有基礎設施的有前景的勘探機會,為埃及日益增長的國內天然氣市場確保有彈性和集中的碳氫化合物?!?/p>
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British Petroleum awarded offshore exploration block in Eastern Mediterranean
British Petroleum (BP) has been awarded by Egypt an offshore exploration block in the Eastern Mediterranean following its successful participation with partner Eni in the ‘Egypt International Bid Round for Petroleum Exploration and Exploitation’ that was organised by the Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS) in 2021.
The EGY-MED-E5 block, in which each of BP and Eni hold a 50% interest, is located in the Mediterranean Sea, approximately 130 km northeast of Port Said. The block covers an area of approximately 3,200 sqm, with water depths ranging between 500 and 1,200 metres. It is located within the Deep Levant Basin, which offers the potential for material gas discoveries that could be developed through existing infrastructure.
Karim Alaa, BP’s Regional President of North Africa said that “this new award underpins BP’s ongoing commitment to securing resilient and focused hydrocarbons for Egypt’s growing domestic gas market through leveraging promising exploration opportunities close to our existing infrastructure.”
BP is a major player operating in the Mediterranean basin, with a long-standing, strong, and successful partnership with the Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources spanning almost 60 years — in which $35bn have been invested — and has been a consistently active player in the Egyptian energy industry.