據能源網1月11日舊金山報道,貝克休斯(Baker Hughes)上周五公布,當周美國活躍的石油鉆機數量增加4臺,至475臺。根據貝克休斯的數據顯示,前一周的鉆機數量也增加4臺。包括天然氣鉆機在內的美國活躍鉆機總數增加3臺,達到579臺。石油價格在上周五交易中繼續走低,紐約商品交易所(New York Mercantile Exchange) 1月份的西得克薩斯中質原油(West Texas Intermediate)下跌1.43美元,至每桶70.95美元,跌幅2%。
郝芬 譯自 能源網
Baker Hughes reports a second straight weekly increase in U.S. oil-drilling rigs
Baker Hughes on Friday reported that the number of active U.S. rigs drilling for oil rose by four to 475 this week. The rig count was also up by four in the previous week, Baker Hughes data show. The total active U.S. rig count, which includes those drilling for natural gas, climbed by three to 579, according to Baker Hughes. Oil prices continued to trade lower in Friday dealings, with January West Texas Intermediate crude down $1.43, or 2%, at $70.95 a barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange.