亞洲交易時段,10ppm輕油較迪拜原油的煉油利潤,也被稱為價差較,升至每桶14.48美元的兩個月高位,高于上周五的每桶 14.08 美元。
郝芬 譯自 ICIS-MRC
Asia distillates-gasoil cash premiums down hurt by weaker deal in physical market
Asia's cash premiums for 10 ppm gasoil dipped on Monday, hurt by a weaker deal in the physical market, but traders expect the market to remain tight in the near term, reported Reuters.
Cash premiums for gasoil with 10 ppm sulphur content dipped to 73 cents per bbl to Singapore quotes, compared with 86 cents per bbl on Friday.
Refining margins, also known as cracks, for 10 ppm gasoil rose to a two-month high of USD14.48 a bbl over Dubai crude during Asian trading hours, up from USD14.08 per bbl on Friday.
Meanwhile, jet fuel cracks climbed to USD12.63 per bbl over Dubai crude on Monday, against USD11.78 a bbl at the end of last week. Cash differentials for jet fuel flipped to a premium of 9 cents per bbl to Singapore quotes on Monday, compared with a discount of 2 cents per bbl on Friday.