威尼斯能源公司董事總經理Kym Winter-Dewhirst對這一聲明表示歡迎,并表示該終端將有助于南澳向更可再生能源景觀的過渡。
他表示:“通過這個終端,我們將向國際天然氣市場開放,并使當地的天然氣供應多樣化,尤其是在高峰時期。” 這將防止未來幾年預測的國內天然氣短缺影響到南澳大利亞州和維多利亞州,并將給當地客戶的天然氣價格帶來下行壓力。
工程預計將在明年年中開始,在財務結束后,將需要12 - 14個月的時間來完成和交付。
曹海斌 摘譯自 天然氣資訊
Australian LNG import terminal granted development approval
The South Australian Government has approved the construction of an AUS$250 million LNG import terminal to be built in the Outer Harbour of Port Adelaide.
The terminal will become the only LNG import facility in South Australia and the first in the world to be powered by renewable energy.
Venice Energy’s Managing Director, Kym Winter-Dewhirst welcomed the announcement and said the terminal will contribute to South Australia’s transition to a more renewable energy landscape.
“Venice is an integrated energy company and one that aims to bring a range of projects to fruition that enable the growing renewables sector in South Australia – this terminal marks our first project and we are thrilled to receive the green light to proceed,” Mr Winter-Dewhirst said.
“Through this terminal, we will open the state to the international gas market and diversify local gas supplies, especially during peak periods,” he said. This will prevent forecast domestic gas shortages from impacting both South Australia and Victoria in the coming years and will place downward pressure on gas prices for local customers.
Construction is expected begin mid-next year and will take 12 - 14 months to complete and commission following financial close.
The first shipment of LNG into the terminal and connection to the South Australian gas network is anticipated around late 2023 to early 2024.