根據總部位于紐約的對沖基金E360 Power LLC和彭博社收集的經紀人數據,自12月30日以來,現貨價格已上漲逾四倍。
E360 Power的聯合創始人James Shrewsbury說,異常溫暖的2021年12月“導致人們缺乏對寒冷天氣的尊重”,氣溫下降導致人們爭相確保更多的天然氣供應。并表示“這還不是很冷。”
馮娟 摘譯自 彭博社
Natural Gas Prices Soar in New York Amid New Year Winter Storms
A fast-moving winter storm on the East Coast is driving up demand for natural gas, and giving New York City prices their strongest start to a new year since 2018.
Spot prices have more than quadrupled since Dec. 30, according to New York-based hedge fund E360 Power LLC and broker data compiled by Bloomberg.
An unusually warm December “has bred a lack of respect for cold weather,” and the dropping temperatures are causing a scramble to secure more gas supplies, said James Shrewsbury, co-founder of E360 Power. “This isn’t crazy cold yet.”
Natural gas for delivery on Monday in New York City was $15 per million British thermal units in early trading, the strongest prices for the start of a year in since they soared to $138 on Jan. 4, 2018.