Carmópolis油田群由11個油田組成,包括石油和天然氣處理、流動、儲存和運輸設施。 Atalaia油田群包括Aracaju水路終端和Bonsucesso-Atalaia管道。
李峻 編譯自 EnergyYear.com
Brazilian assets for USD 1.1 billion
Petrobras has penned the sale of 11 onshore concession fields and integrated facilities in the state of Sergipe to Spain’s Carmo Energy for USD 1.1 billion, the Brazilian state-owned E&P company announced on Thursday.
The assets are divided between the Carmópolis cluster and the Atalaia cluster.
The Carmópolis cluster consists of the 11 fields, including oil and gas processing, flow, storage and transportation facilities. The Atalaia cluster comprises Aracaju Waterway Terminal and the Bonsucesso-Atalaia pipeline.
The fields produce 7,600 bopd and 43,000 cubic metres (1.52 mcf) of gas per day.
A total of USD 275 million has been given as down payment, with USD 550 million to switch hands when the transaction closes and USD 275 million in the following 12 months.