據能源經濟12月27日消息稱,烏茲別克斯坦周六啟動了其首個天然氣液化工廠,這是一個耗資 36 億美元的項目,旨在從國內生產的天然氣中提取價值并減少對進口石油產品的依賴。
生產主管Kidirbay Kaypnazarov表示,位于東南部Qashqadaryo省的UzGTL工廠每年將生產150萬噸合成液體燃料,如煤油、柴油、液化石油氣和從天然氣中提取的石腦油。
烏茲別克斯坦總統Shavkat Mirziyoyev在啟動儀式上表示,從 2022 年第一季度開始,該工廠將把價值 5 億美元的天然氣提煉成價值 15 億美元的產品。它將在明年年底達到滿負荷生產。
該工廠每年將從附近的舒爾坦氣田和加工廠消耗 36 億立方米的天然氣,周六,當局還啟動了一個項目,將產量提高兩倍。
UzGTL技術總監Marcel Krause表示,南非的Sasol參與了卡塔爾首個天然氣液化工廠的建設,是UzGTL與美國能源巨頭雪佛龍的技術合作伙伴。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 能源經濟
Uzbekistan launches first gas-to-liquids plant worth $3.6 billion
Uzbekistan launched its first gas-to-liquids plant on Saturday, a $3.6 billion project to extract value from domestically produced gas and reduce its dependency on imports of oil products.
The UzGTL plant in the southeastern Qashqadaryo province will produce 1.5 million tonnes a year of synthetic liquid fuels, such as kerosene, diesel, liquefied petroleum gas and naphtha from natural gas, production director Kidirbay Kaypnazarov said.
Speaking at the launch ceremony, Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev said the plant would refine gas worth $500 million into products valued at $1.5 billion from the first quarter of 2022. It will reach full capacity by the end of next year.
"This new innovative technology enables us to increase production of either kerosene or diesel depending on their market prices," Mirziyoyev said, adding Uzbekistan currently imports oil and gas products worth $1 billion.
The plant will consume 3.6 billion cubic metres of gas per year from the nearby Shurtan gas field and processing plant, where the authorities also on Saturday launched a project to triple output.
Marcel Krause, UzGTL technical director, said South Africa's Sasol, involved in the construction of the first gas-to-liquids plant in Qatar, was UzGTL's technology partner alongside U.S. energy major Chevron.