據離岸工程12月17日報道,石油巨頭英國石油公司已簽署一項協議,通過從維亞羅能源公司(Viaro Energy)的子公司RockRose購買28%的股權,增加其在位于英國大陸架(UKCS)的Foinaven油田的股份。
Viaro首席執行官Francesco Mazzagatti表示,Foinaven 油田是UKCS的標志性開發,我們很自豪能夠參與其中。我們已經建立了一個非常強大的生產基地,并在繼續尋求機會,進一步擴大我們的投資組合,以實現英國本土公司的進一步增長。
英國石油公司運營的Foinaven地區包括Foinaven和Foinaven East油田。該公司擁有Foinaven油田72%的股份和Foinaven East油田43%的股份。
RockRose Energy持有Foinaven油田剩余28%的股權,并持有Foinaven East油田47%的股權。
該最新交易完成后,bp將持有Foinaven油田100%的權益和Foinaven East油田90%的權益。
DNO擁有Foinaven East油田剩余10%的股份。
今年4月,英國石油公司以安全問題為由決定退役Petrojarl Foinaven FPSO后,該油田的生產被暫停。
FPSO的25年使用壽命即將結束,計劃于2022年退役后交還給其所有者 Teekay。
郝芬 譯自 離岸工程
BP to buy stake in UK deepwater field from Viaro Energy
Oil major BP has signed a deal to increase its stake in the Foinaven oil field, located in the UK continental shelf (UKCS), by purchasing a 28% interest from Viaro Energy’s subsidiary RockRose.
The sale of the 28% non-operated interest in the Foinaven field forms part of RockRose’s efforts to focus on further growth opportunities in the country’s offshore sector.
Viaro CEO Francesco Mazzagatti said: “The Foinaven field is an iconic development in the UKCS, and we are proud to have played a part in its story.
“We have established a very strong production base and continue to seek opportunities to build our portfolio further as we pursue further growth in the UKCS.”
Discovered in 1990, the Foinaven field started production in November 1997.
BP operates the Foinaven area which comprises the Foinaven and Foinaven East fields. It holds a stake of 72% in the Foinaven field and a 43% stake in Foinaven East field.
RockRose Energy holds the remaining 28% interest in the Foinaven field and holds a stake of 47% in the Foinaven East field.
Upon completion of the latest transaction, BP will hold 100% interest in the Foinaven field and 90% interest in the Foinaven East field.
DNO owns the remaining 10% stake in the Foinaven East field.
The transaction is scheduled for completion in the first quarter of 2022. The financial terms of the deal were undisclosed.
In April this year, the field’s production was suspended following a decision by BP to retire the Petrojarl Foinaven FPSO on the grounds of safety issues.
The FPSO, which is nearing the end of its 25-year design life, is scheduled to be handed back to its owner Teekay in 2022, once it has been decommissioned.