同樣在第二季度,OMV 公布的“不包括合資企業在內的北歐化工”的凈運營業績為4.3億歐元,高于一年前的2400萬歐元,“其中北歐化工合資企業”為 1.36 億歐元。
由 OMV 和北歐化工運營的歐洲蒸汽裂解裝置的利用率在 2021 年第二季度提高了 19 個百分點至 93%(2020年第二季度:74%)。
OMV 第二季度的集團經營業績為 12.4 億歐元,而 2020 年第二季度為 6300 萬歐元。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 安迅思
Austria’s OMV’s Q2 chems operating profit soars to €678m
Operating profits at Austrian oil, gas and petrochemicals group OMV soared in the second quarter, given the strong base effect caused by the coronavirus-hit same period of a year ago and big gains in polyolefin margins, the company said on Wednesday.
OMV’s polyethylene indicator margin Europe increased year on year by 105% to €803/tonne, while polypropylene indicator margin Europe grew by 98% to €898/tonne.
Polyolefin sales volumes decreased by 3% to 1.42m tonnes year on year.
Also for Q2, OMV gave a clean operating result “thereof Borealis excluding JVs” of €430m versus €24m a year ago and “thereof Borealis JVs” of €136m.
OMV said record high polyolefin and increased olefin indicator margins in Europe boosted the operating result contribution of Borealis excluding JVs, while Borealis JVs benefited from a strong polyolefin market environment in Asia and the US.
The utilisation rate of the European steam crackers operated by OMV and Borealis improved by 19 percentage points to 93% in Q2/21 (Q2/20: 74%).
OMV’s group operating result for Q2 came in at €1.24bn compared to €63m in Q2 2020.