據烴加工網站8月2日消息 麥克德莫特國際有限公司將通過其可持續發展目標,加速其對低碳經濟的貢獻,該目標已在該公司最新的可持續發展報告中概述。公司的目標包括:
到2030年,Scope 1和Scope 2溫室氣體(GHG)排放量減少50%;
到2030年,十大關鍵供應鏈類別的Scope 3溫室氣體排放量減少35%;
吳恒磊 編譯自 烴加工
McDermott to accelerate contributions to a low-carbon economy
McDermott International, Ltd will accelerate its contributions to a low-carbon economy through its sustainability targets, which are outlined in the company's latest sustainability report. The company's targets include:
50 percent reduction in scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2030
35 percent reduction in scope 3 GHG emissions for ten key supply chain categories by 2030
Zero office waste-to-landfill by 2025
50 percent reduction in waste generation by 2030
Specific milestones for advancing social investment, local content
The targets leverage years of analysis and the company's long history of delivering—and continuously improving—responsible energy infrastructure across the energy value chain.
"McDermott is a trusted business partner helping our clients energize the world," said Rachel Clingman, McDermott's Executive Vice President, Sustainability and Governance. "Our talented global workforce is proactively partnering with clients to design and deliver critical infrastructure with lower environmental impact throughout every phase of development and beyond."
McDermott supports the global energy transition and has delivered award-winning work, studies and developments to expand possibilities in net-zero construction, carbon capture, hydrogen storage solutions, net-zero liquified natural gas and offshore wind. The company has the same aspirations for its own operations as reflected in the sustainability program and proactive targets. The result is an integrated sustainability strategy with a governance framework applied globally across all aspects of the business.
"Our sustainability report identifies the progress we have already made," Clingman said. "And it confirms our commitment to reducing GHG emissions, managing water use, reducing waste-to-landfill and improving socially responsible investments that support the communities where we operate."