據世界天然氣網8月4日消息 川崎重工、Yanmar電力科技公司和日本Engine公司宣布推出HyEng Corporation,作為其凈零驅動的一部分。
這些公司已任命Shindo Seiji為HyEng的新總裁。川崎、Yanmar和日本Engine各持有該公司33.33%的股份。
吳恒磊 編譯自 世界天然氣
Japan’s trio establishes hydrogen-powered engine venture
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Yanmar Power Technology, and Japan Engine Corporation unveiled the launch of HyEng Corporation as part of their net-zero drive.
Three Japanese marine engine manufacturers have joined forces to establish a new joint venture focused on the development of hydrogen-fuelled engines for the maritime industry.
The companies have named Seiji Shindo as the new President of HyEng. Kawasaki, Yanmar and Japan Engine each own 33.33% of the company.