據管道&天然氣雜志網8月5日報道,英國石油中游合作伙伴(BPMP)周三宣布,BPMP普通合伙人的董事會收到了英國石油管道(BP Pipelines)(北美)的無約束力要約,以收購公眾持有的所有未償付的BPMP普通股,以換取新發行的BP p.l.c.美國存托憑證,每份BPMP普通股價值13.01美元。
該公司董事會通過其全資子公司BP Midstream Partners Holdings收到了收購要約。其和英國石油管道公司都是英國石油公司的全資子公司。
首席財務官Jack Collins表示,雖然第二季度投資組合的總吞吐量低于預期,但我們實現了調整后的息稅折舊攤銷前利潤(EBITDA)和可供分配的現金增加,本季度現金余額增加了約800萬美元。我們繼續以深思熟慮、紀律嚴明的方式管理BPMP,注重安全運營和金融穩定。
郝芬 譯自 管道&天然氣雜志網
BP Pipelines Offers to Acquire BP Midstream Partners
BP Midstream Partners (BPMP) today announced that, on Wednesday, the board of directors of the general partner of BPMP received a non-binding offer from BP Pipelines (North America) to acquire all of the outstanding common units of BPMP held by the public in exchange for newly-issued American Depositary Receipts of BP p.l.c. at a value of $13.01 per BPMP common unit.
The board of directors received the offer through its wholly-owned subsidiary BP Midstream Partners Holdings. It and BP Pipelines are both wholly-owned subsidiaries of BP p.l.c.
BPMP’s filings today contain all the details relating to the offer that can currently be shared. BPMP will update its filings as required.
In response to this announcement, BPMP has temporarily suspended providing forward guidance and temporarily suspended its formal unitholder engagement program, such as attending investor conferences and roadshows.
BPMP today also reported financial results for the second quarter 2021.
“While portfolio gross throughput for the second quarter was lower than expected, we delivered increased Adjusted EBITDA and Cash available for distribution, and increased our cash balances by around $8 million during the quarter,” CFO Jack Collins said. “We continue to manage BPMP in a thoughtful, disciplined manner, focusing on safe operations and financial stability."