據8月9日Business Wire報道,2019年,全球LNG燃料市場價值為3.8億美元,預計到2027年將達到51.4億美元,從2020年到2027年以45.2%的復合年增長率增長。
國際海事組織規定的船用燃料硫含量上限為0.50% m/m,海上貿易的增加以及LNG船用燃料的成本低于ECA合規燃料等因素推動全球LNG加注市場增長。然而,LNG燃料的供需缺口預計將隨著IMO法規的實施而擴大。因此,全球LNG供應必須迅速擴大,以滿足全球需求,特別是價格較高的亞太地區需求。此外,在預測期內,對液化天然氣燃料的投資和融資的增加將為液化天然氣燃料市場的主要參與者創造機會。
王佳晶 摘譯自 Business Wire
The Worldwide LNG Bunkering Industry is Projected to Reach $5.14 Billion by 2027
The global LNG bunkering market was valued at $0.38 billion in 2019, and is projected to reach $5.14 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 45.2% from 2020 to 2027.
The global shipping industry faced an IMO legislation to significantly limit sulfur emissions from ships, firstly in North America and then Northern Europe in 2015. LNG (liquid natural gas) is a potential solution to meet these requirements due to its negligible sulfur content, and its combustion produces low NOx compared to fuel oil and marine diesel oil. LNG is not only a cleaner burning fuel but also possesses economic advantages on a calorific value basis. Even higher LNG prices in Asia-Pacific are lower than global bunker fuel prices. As a result, there have been recent developments to promote the use of LNG as a bunker fuel.
The International Maritime Organization's regulations of sulfur cap of 0.50% m/m (mass/mass) in 2020 for marine fuels, increase in ocean-borne trade, especially in ton-km travelled, and the lower cost of LNG bunker fuel than other variants of ECA-compliant fuels are the factors that drive the growth of the global LNG bunkering market. However, the demand-supply gap for LNG bunkering is expected to increase with the implementation of IMO regulations; hence, supply must expand rapidly to meet global demand and premium priced Asia-Pacific demand in particular. On the contrary, increase in investment and financing toward LNG bunkering are expected to create opportunity for key players in the LNG bunkering market during the forecast period.