據烴加工網8月10日報道,日前,伊拉克石油部長賈巴爾(Ihsan Abdul Jabbar)告訴伊拉克通訊社(INA)稱,伊拉克計劃到2027年底將石油日產量提高到800萬桶。
石油部發言人Assem Jihad還告訴INA,由于石油市場面臨的挑戰,產油國重新考慮了他們的計劃。增產是根據石油市場的變化和發展情況計算出來的,很難預測石油市場未來走勢。
郝芬 譯自 烴加工網
Iraq plans to increase oil production by 2027
Iraq plans to increase oil production to eight million barrels per day (BPD) by the end of 2027, Iraqi Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar told the Iraqi news agency (INA).
The oil ministry's spokesman, Assem Jihad, also told INA that oil-producing countries reconsidered their plans because of the challenges facing the oil market.
"The increases have become calculated according to the variables and developments of the oil market, and that it is not possible to predict what the oil market will be like," Jihad said.