據離岸工程網站7月21日消息 日本JFE工程公司將建造一座工廠,為海上風電行業建造單樁基礎和過渡段,該公司還計劃在未來建造導管架式基礎。
吳恒磊 編譯自 離岸工程
Japan's JFE to Invest $363,3M in New Offshore Wind Monopile Plants
Japan's JFE Engineering Corporation is set to build a factory for the construction of monopile foundations and transition pieces for the offshore wind industry. The company also has plans to build jacket-type foundations in the future.
"The monopile foundation consists of a transition piece for connecting the monopile as a support and the wind turbine tower and is an extremely thick, large-diameter, long super-heavy object, which is difficult to manufacture at existing factories in Japan. When completed, this factory will be the first monopile basic manufacturing factory in Japan," JFE said.
JFE has noted the Japanese government's goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2050, with offshore wind seen as the key to making renewable energy the main power source.
Japan has plans to have up to 10 gigawatts of offshore wind capacity installed by 2030 and 30-45 GW in 2040, with a goal of increasing the domestic procurement ratio to 60%.
"Our launch of a domestic manufacturing business for monopile foundations will greatly contribute to the achievement of this government goal," JFE said.