據阿納多盧新聞7月11日消息稱,英國石油公司周四晚間發布的最新報告稱,2020 年一次能源消費下降了 4.5%,為 1945 年以來的最大降幅。
英國石油公司的《2021 年世界能源統計回顧》報告顯示,能源消耗的下降主要是由石油推動的,石油占凈減少量的近四分之三,盡管天然氣和煤炭也出現了顯著下降。
根據這份報告,全球石油消耗量創紀錄地減少了910萬桶/天,降幅9.3%,降至2011年以來的最低水平。全球石油產量也減少了 660 萬桶/日,歐佩克占減產的三分之二。
朱佳妮 摘譯自 阿納多盧新聞
Global primary energy consumption in 2020 records largest drop since 1945
Primary energy consumption fell by 4.5% in 2020, the largest decline since 1945, Bp's latest report said late Thursday.
Bp's Statistical Review of World Energy 2021 report reveals the drop in energy consumption was driven mainly by oil, which contributed almost three-quarters of the net decline, although natural gas and coal also saw significant declines.
As a result, carbon emissions from energy use fell by 6.3% to their lowest level since 2011, which also marked the largest decline since the end of World War II, the report said.
"By country, the US, India and Russia contributed the largest declines in energy consumption.
According to the report, global oil consumption fell by a record 9.1 million barrels per day (bpd), or 9.3%, to its lowest level since 2011.Global oil production also shrank by 6.6 million bpd, with OPEC accounting for two-thirds of the decline.