據俄羅斯油氣網7月13日消息稱,據Romania Insider報道,羅馬尼亞能源部長Virgil Popescu宣布,保加利亞-希臘天然氣連接管道將完工,屆時阿塞拜疆的天然氣將于2022年7月到達羅馬尼亞。
這位部長表示,他已獲得保證,保加利亞-希臘天然氣管道將于 2022年7月完工,這樣垂直走廊將開始運作,阿塞拜疆的天然氣和液化天然氣可以從希臘港口到達BRUA。
曹海斌 摘譯自 俄羅斯油氣網
Romania expects natural gas from Azerbaijan in 2022
The Bulgaria-Greece gas interconnector will be completed so that the natural gas from Azerbaijan will reach Romania by July 2022, energy minister Virgil Popescu announced, according to Romania Insider.
In contrast to the rapid development of the South Stream (Light) that bypasses Romania and transports Russian gas, the delays in the completion of this interconnector prompted in Romania speculations related to Bulgaria favouring the spread of Russian gas in the region.
The interest for Romania related to the gas from Azerbaijan should, in principle, relate to the transport fees, under the optimistic scenario that the Black Sea offshore projects will eventually begin operations.
Transgaz, the operator of the gas pipelines in Romania, already starts charging local consumers for the costs incurred with the BRUA pipeline (supposed to carry Azeri gas, among others) - while BRUA remains empty.
The minister said he had received assurances that the Bulgaria-Greece gas interconnector would be completed by July 2022 so that the Vertical Corridor would be operational and Azerbaijani gas and LNG from Greek ports could reach BRUA.