???? 據阿拉伯貿易網2021年7月8日迪拜報道,一份報告稱,盡管7月歐佩克+會議從未由于阿聯酋、沙特阿拉伯和俄羅斯未能克服分歧而達成協議,但歐佩克+成功經受住了時間的考驗,目前僵局中的分歧是可以克服的。
????7月5日,歐佩克+未能達成增加供應的協議,最初將布倫特原油現貨價格推高至70美元/桶的高位——這是2018年以來的最高水平。 此后,由于美元走強、新型冠狀病毒疫情的持續蔓延以及對2022年供應過剩的擔憂,油價回落。
????MUFG 說:“我們的季度預測是,布倫特原油價格在今年第三季度末和第四季度末將分別回落至73美元/桶和64美元/桶。”
????李峻 編譯自 阿拉伯貿易網
????Opec+ stalemate unlikely to last long: MUFG
????While the July Opec+ meeting never concluded as the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Russia failed to overcome their differences, Opec+ has successfully stood the test of time and differences in the current standoff are surmountable, a report said.
????The UAE asked for a higher baseline from April 2022 (when the current deal expires), whilst both Saudi Arabia and Russia asked for an extended commitment to December 2022, said the Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG), a Japanese bank holding and financial services company, in its latest Oil Market Weekly.
????“Whilst this lack of agreement has introduced uncertainty into the Opec+ production trajectory, and ultimately global demand-supply balances, our base case that we catalogued on July 5 remains for a gradual 0.4 million barrels per day (b/d) increase in production on a monthly basis for the remainder of 2021 with talks of an extension past April 2022 postponed to a later date,” MUFG said in the report.
????The failure of Opec+ to reach an agreement on July 5 to increase supply initially pushed spot prices for Brent crude into the high $70s/b – levels not seen since 2018. Thereafter, oil prices have retraced its gains due to a strengthening US dollar, the continuing spread of Covid-19’s Delta variant as well as apprehensions of oversupply in 2022.
????“We are tactically bullish for the week ahead given the lack of an Opec+ agreement tilts the market into further deficit, and look for further evidence of demand strength, falling inventories, rising premiums and the forward curve in steeper backwardation,” the report said.
????“Notwithstanding the Opec+ stalemate potentially driving crude higher near-term (we do not rule out Brent sporadically flirting north of $80/b), we believe oil prices are currently hovering close to peak cyclical levels and remain in firm “overshoot” territory,” MUFG said.
????“Our quarterly profile is for Brent to regress lower and end Q3 and Q4 2021 at $73/b and $64/b, respectively.”