QP指出,此舉標志著一家油氣公司在國際金融和資本市場上取得的重大成就。 QP強調說,這是全球規模最大的美元固定利率石油和天然氣債券發行,也是中東和北非地區規模最大的企業債券發行。
卡塔爾能源事務國務大臣、QP總裁兼首席執行官Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi在一份公司聲明中表示:“此次債券發行的結果有力證明了QP作為投資者的嚴謹態度,以及作為世界上最大的液化天然氣生產商以及資本和金融市場中令人敬畏的地位。 ”
李峻 編譯自 美國鉆井網站
Qatar Petroleum Raises $12B+ in Bond Offering
Qatar Petroleum has announced that it has raised $12.5 billion in a multi-tranche bond offering.
The move marks a significant achievement for an oil and gas company in the international financial and capital markets, Qatar Petroleum noted. The company highlighted that this was the largest U.S. dollar fixed rate oil and gas offering, the largest corporate issuance in the MENA region.
Qatar Petroleum revealed that the proceeds from the bond offering will be used to support its “ambitious” growth plans, particularly the North Field expansion projects “over the coming few years”.
“The outcome of this offering is a strong testament to Qatar Petroleum’s disciplined approach as an investor and formidable standing not only as the world’s largest LNG producer, but also within the capital and financial markets,” Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, the Qatar minister of state for energy affairs and president and chief executive officer of Qatar Petroleum, said in a company statement.